Discover Bukit Bangkirai

If you would like to travel on the weekends, Bukit natural tourism area which is located in District Bangkirai Samboja may be a choice vacation with family, relatives or lovers. In this Bangkirai Hill neighborhood, tourists can enjoy the atmosphere of a tropical rain forest and unspoiled even the birds chirping and the sounds of other forest animals can still be heard.
Not only that, the tourists who have been at the height of the problem may be trying to pursue a challengecanopy bridge or bridges connecting the canopy that hangs 5 Bangkirai tree. Surely there is an eerie feeling, but exciting when the drawbridge down at an altitude of 30 meters from ground level while the cool breeze chilling goosebumps enough, let alone getting the swinging bridge at the time we reached half way.
But for those whose souls have no problems against height, canopy walk down the bridge really fun. From the top of the canopy bridge, tourists can freely view the panorama of tropical rain forest (tropical rain forest) Bangkirai Hill and observe the formation of close canopy stands “Dipteropcarpaceae” that is characteristic of tropical rain forests, which form the upper stratum continued mutually connect.
Overall length of the existing canopy bridge in Bukit Bangkirai is at about 64 meters which connects 5 Bangkirai tree. To reach the canopy bridge, there are two towers of ironwood trees surround Bangkirai established.
“Canopy existing bridge at Bukit Bangkirai is the first in Indonesia, both in Asia and the eighth in the world. Its construction made in the USA, and also in terms of security is guaranteed.” Ir Ruspian said Noor, an officer of PT INHUTANI I.
As a natural tourism area, a variety of facilities and infrastructure have been prepared for the tourists who come like a restaurant with a menu that is quite varied, Lamin for meetings that can accommodate 100 people, as well as cottage accommodation with facilities such as air conditioning and jugle cabin, the cottage is not equipped with electricity so that tourists who stay there to feel the atmosphere of the actual forest.
As a natural tourism area, a variety of facilities and infrastructure have been prepared for the tourists who come like a restaurant with a menu that is quite varied, Lamin for meetings that can accommodate 100 people, as well as cottage accommodation with facilities such as air conditioning and jugle cabin, the cottage is not equipped with electricity so that tourists who stay there to feel the atmosphere of the actual forest.
Bangkirai Hill area which covers 1,500 hectares is forest conservation has an important role to develop the monument wet tropical forests that can be used as a means of environmental education and forestry.
Forest area tour aims to develop the potential of nature tourism and scientific research as well as increase the affection of environment and forests. On March 14, 1998, 510 hectares of the region declared a tourism area by Djamalludin Suryohadikusumo, the Minister of Forestry in Development Cabinet VI as an effort to develop the tourism potential of natural and scientific as well as to improve the environment, especially the love of flora and fauna.
Natural tourism area is named for the dominant tree hill Bangkirai Bangkirai types that grow in the protected forest areas. Bangkirai tree was then used as the primary mascot of the attractions that has worldwide. In this area there are many Bangkirai trees older than 150 years to reach a height of 40 to 50 m, with a diameter of 2.3 m. Growth buttresses (root board) makes a hefty This tree has a value of its own beauty.
Bangkirai hill located about 150 km from the city of Samarinda and Tenggarong or only about 58 km from the city of Balikpapan and 20 km from the capital of the District Samboja. To achieve this natural tourist area, tourists can adopt it by road using four wheel drive vehicles or motorcycles.
Geographically, Bukit Bangkirai including lowland (lowland primary) “Dipterocarp forest” stable, so that the area used as a bird invasion of territory Region Tourism Bukit Soeharto Forest Park (about 30 km) and the surrounding areas affected by forest fires. From the observations that have been made, there are 113 species of birds that live in this Bangkirai Hill neighborhood.
The types of fauna in Bukit Bangkirai is Owa-Owa (Hylobates muelleri), monkey (Macaca nemestrina), Red Leaf Monkey (Presbytus rubicunda), Long-tailed monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), Wild Boar (Susvittatus), Flying Squirrel (Squiler ) and Sambar (Corvus unicolor) that have been bred.
Bangkirai Hill neighborhood is also rich in natural orchids that grow naturally on trees that are alive or dead. There are at least 45 types of orchids that can be found in this region, including the Black Orchid (Coelegyne pandurata) is very famous and became one of East Kalimantan mascot. In addition to the cultivation of natural orchids, also made the development of orchid hybrids like Kala Orchids, Orchids Apple Blossom and Vanda Orchids. In addition to orchid gardens, nature tourism area is also equipped with an orchard area of 4 hectares.
To maintain the integrity and preservation of trees bangkirai in the region, the manager of the Mount Bangkirai Tree Adoption program offers to sponsors or donors to become “foster parents” for trees bangkirai desired. Currently adoption of these trees is mostly done by the JICA Japan VIVO. You are interested in adopting a tree? Come to Bukit Bangkirai, recreation while conserving nature
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Author: ayeriff
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