
Indonesian Tourism Promotion Board (ITPB) is a partner of the Ministry of Tourism which was established by Presidential Decree No. 22 of 2011 about the Indonesian Tourism Promotion Board, in order to implement the provisions of Article 36 paragraph (3) of Law No. 10 Year 2009 concerning tourism.

ITPB duties and functions include: improving the image of Indonesian tourism, increasing tourist arrivals and foreign exchange earnings, increase domestic tourists visiting and spending, as well as conducting research in order to develop business and tourism business. Meanwhile, the function ITPB is becoming a tourism promotion coordinator who do business in the center and regions as well as a partner of the Central Government and Local Government.

The current provincial level has been formed by 20 (twenty) Regional Tourism Promotion Agency which was established by the Governor, synergy programs and activities have been conducted in an effort to do the promotion of the market and foreign tourists segments adapted to the character and attractiveness of tourism in the region, ITPB as promotion coordinator .

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