Our Network
promoting cultural, social and environmental sustainability through a hospitality lens
Tourism brings progress. As one of the biggest sectors in the global economy, it has great power to bridge cultures, generate new opportunities and promote sustainable development.

Pacific Asia Travel Association
Founded in 1951, the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is a not-for profit association that is internationally acclaimed for acting as a catalyst for the responsible development of travel and tourism to, from and within the Asia Pacific region. The Association provides aligned advocacy, insightful research and innovative events to its member organisations, comprising 88 government, state and city tourism bodies, nearly 22 international airlines , airports and cruise lines, 62 educational institutions, and hundreds of travel industry companies in Asia Pacific and beyond.

Asean Tourism Association
The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) was formed in 1967 to provide a framework and mechanism for regional cooperation amongst member nations. ASEANTA is an organisation that comprises the public and private sectors from the ASEAN countries. These sectors include the National Tourist Organisations (NTOs), hotel associations, travel associations and national airlines as charter members. ASEANTA is a tourism body that promotes the growth of travel into and intra-ASEAN. ASEANTA also initiates and participates in marketing, manpower, community, research and representation projects that contribute to the goals of tourism

International Air Transport Association
International Air Transport Association (Asosiasi Pengangkutan Udara Internasional; disingkat IATA) adalah sebuah organisasi perdagangan internasional yang terdiri dari maskapai-maskapai penerbangan. IATA bermarkas di Montreal, Kanada. Maskapai-maskapai penerbangan anggotanya diberikan kelonggaran khusus sehingga dapat mengkonsultasikan harga antara sesama anggota melalui organisasi ini. IATA juga bertugas menjalankan peraturan dalam pengiriman barang-barang berbahaya dan menerbitkan panduan Peraturan Barang-barang Berbahaya IATA (IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations).

World Tourism Cities Federation
WTCF is the world’s first international tourism federation with cities as the main body. With “Better City Life through Tourism” as the core concept, it is committed to promoting exchanges and cooperation between members, strengthening cooperation in the development of the tourism market and sharing tourism development experience. It focuses on upgrading the cities’ attractiveness as international tourism destinations, improving the service quality and efficiency of tourism cities, enhancing brand image of tourism cities and promoting economic and social harmonious development of tourism cities.

Gabungan Industri Pariwisata Indonesia
Gabungan Industri Pariwisata Indonesia adalah sebuah institusi yang didirikan guna membangun dan mengembangkan industri pariwisata di Indonesia. Serta menjembatani komunikasi pemerintah dan industri pariwisata dalam rangka menghasilkan kebijakan-kebijakan yang bermanfaat bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan pariwisata dan kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia.

Association of the Indonesian Tours & Travel Agencies
ASITA kepanjangan dari Association of The Indonesian Tours And Travel Agencies (ASITA) yaitu sebuah Asosiasi Perusahaan Perjalanan Wisata Indonesia. Diluncurkan di Jakarta pada 7 Januari 1971, Asosiasi The Indonesia Tours & Travel Agencies (ASITA) adalah satu-satunya diakui secara hukum, aliansi non-profit kewirausahaan perjalanan Indonesia. Beroperasi di bawah UU RI No. 9/1990 tentang Pariwisata, ASITA memberikan kepemimpinan untuk upaya komunal agen perjalanan Indonesia.

Perhimpunan Hotel & Restoran Indonesia
Perhimpunan Hotel & Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) yang dalam hubungan antar bangsa disebut Indonesia Hotel & Restaurant Association (IHRA).
PHRI merupakan kelanjutan dari organisasi ITHA (Indonesia Tourist Hotel Association) yang didirikan pada tanggal 9 Februari 1969.
PHRI berpusat di Ibukota Negara RI dengan kedaulatan organisasi berazaskan Pancasila yang sepenuhnya dilaksanakan oleh
para anggota dalam musyawarah nasional.

Indonesia Congress & Convention Association
INCCA (Indonesia Congress & Convention Association), was one of the 25 Indonesian tourism enterprises and associations which signed the UNWTO Private Commitment to the Code of Ethics in October 2013 in Bali.